I weight 210 lbs. and my height is 5″10. My height to weight ratio is not correct. I am overweight and for years I have struggled with my weight. Sometimes winning but oftentimes losing. Hey, food is delicious and eating give us the energy, nutrients, and of course, the happiness we need. My wife always recommended for me to go to the gym or to go on a diet. But when she said she wanted to try this diet delivery service called Yummy Diet, I was curious but hesitant to try. She wanted to try it but wanted someone to try it with, so even with my hesitation I needed to support her.

Yummy diet is a food delivery service that has been around for a long time now. They have chefs and an in-house Nutritionist-Dietitian that plans and prepares their meals to satisfy their customers needs. I have never tried any food delivery service before and to be honest, I’m more of a homecooked meal kind of guy. But I wanted to feed my curiosity and support my wife so i decided to try it.

I enrolled for one week of food delivery for their 1500 calorie diet. Delivery started on Sunday. They will deliver food you’ll consume the following day. It’s already complete from breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. Coffee and tea is also included.

My first impression was the portion is not enough for me. I quickly imagine myself getting hungry because you are not allowed to eat anything else aside from the food delivered to you. Second was their meals looks tasty I can’t wait to try them.

Monday was a day of adjustment. After eating my breakfast which was delicious, I could not wait to eat all of my snacks including my lunch for that day. I was so hungry after a few hours of eating my breakfast. But I needed to stay with the program, so I restrained my self from eating anything else. When I ate my snack I found out that the cake isn’t that sweet. I think they used artificial sweeteners instead so that was a surprise. I was hoping to fulfill my sugar craving. By the end of the day I was still hungry so decided to drinks lots of water before going to bed. I found out that it worked for me I was not feeling hungry anymore the only downside was I needed to get out of bed in the middle of the night to pee.

Tuesday came and I decided to try drinking water whenever I feel hungry or after each meal to fill my half empty stomach, it worked I can not feel that much of the hunger anymore but I need to go pee more often that I used to. After the weekend, I decided to weight my self and it turns out that you don’t loss weight that fast, my wife laughed at me expecting to see results in just one week, but she said my puffiness was no longer there, so that’s an improvement.
Based from my experience Yummy Diet provides excellent service, convenience, and delicious healthy food for those who wan or need to be on a low calorie diet. I am converted to believe that I have a chance to win this war against being overweight.
I hope you’re able to win the battle with weight. The food actually looks pretty good and I love the idea that it is all pre-made. I am not much of a cook and so if I can have something that is already made that makes me happy all by itself LOL.
Oh yum, all of this food looks incredible! I love when healthy foods taste good. I will have to check out Yummy Diet.
The food does look tasty which is always a plus on these programs. I try to drink lots of water too, but the downside is the constant need to go to the bathroom. That’s no fun! Good luck with your weight loss.
All of these meals sounds really good. The photos look great and give you an idea of what to do and how to make it work for my family.
I love these kind of catered diet plans because they are sooo easy to handle. You get a wide variety of yummy food with the right portion size and start seeing results in no time.
Good luck with your weight battle, I know what it is like I just can’t shift it – doesn’t help I am unable to be very active due to my health like I used to be.
This looks so much better than some of the other diet programs out there.
The food looks delicious, I don’t here I can get this kind of cooked meals on diet menu. I would like to control my weight too. Best of luck for your weight loss.
I have yet to hear about this food delivery service. They are very popular now, I’ve only tried one but really enjoyed their meals!
Oh wow this all looks delicious! I love food services like this, I reallky need to start eating healthier and trying some of these programmes!
Yeah, I’m trying to tone my tummy. It definitely takes a while to lose the weight. You didn’t gain the weight overnight so if you gained 50 pounds in a year, you’ll have to give yourself that much time to lose it. It takes about 1 week to lose 1 pound if you are serious. So keep that in consideration.
I love this diet! It is light hearted and looks totally delicious!
Good luck on your weight loss program. I love the foods and your weekly foods. Looks like you are not on a diet with this. Eating is not deprived.
I find that when I meal plan, my weeks are so much easier! I’m actually going to be starting again next week!
It’s so nice to find a food service that fits you diet and your budget. The food looks amazing, you won’t feel like you’re on a diet at all. It’s definitely something that I’d consider especially when I’m trying to maintain or lose weight!